Membership Information
Membership shall be open to public/military women’s clubs which are properly organized with a governing body in place and maintain an active USGA (GHIN) club number.
- Participants in WSWPLA events must be members in good standing of the member club from which they enter. Competing members in Washington State private golf course Women’s Clubs may not participate in WSWPLA events. Any member holding dual membership must designate her home course at the start of the playing season and may not change that election during the year.
- Each member club shall be willing to host a tournament if/when called upon by the tournament committee.
- Each member club shall pay an annual fee (currently $60) on or before the Spring Trustee meeting.
- A Trustee shall be elected by each member club and represent their club at any meeting of the Governing Board and the Spring and Fall Trustee meetings.
- WSWPLA is eager to grant membership to new Women’s Clubs as they are formed around the state. For more information, please contact the Vice President in charge of membership.